Graphic Design (Remote/Online or Istanbul, Turkey)

Art and Design
1 Jul, 2024 to 30 Jun, 2025
1 Jul, 2024

General information

6 months

Work as a Graphic Designer in all phases of content creation, be it websites, digital applications or print material. Your tasks will include, but not limited to the following:

  • Utilize relevant applications of tools and technology in the creation, reproduction, and distribution of visual messages
  • Apply graphic design in the ideation, development, and production of visual messages
  • Create and implement a design pattern for websites, digital applications or print material of the company
  • Work with other interns in the creative process, assisting them with graphical design tasks

Requirements for application*:

  1. Cover Letter: Send us a creative and convincing cover letter where you you show some of your skills and highlight how your previous experiences apply to the description of this internship in graphic design? Make us curious about more!
  2. Written Essay/Description: Go on our website (, and from the perspective of a graphic designer, describe briefy what you think could be improved, why and how?

*Applicants without these two requirements will be rejected.

Work will be tailored according to the capabilities and career growth potential of the candidate as well as company requirements.

Field of Study: Media Design, Visual Communication, Film Production or similar fields

Please note: We offer several internships, but would like you to apply for only one position.

Financial compensation


Design  graphical  logo   content  animation  website  

Additional Information

Company provides a small supplementary compensation but assumes you will be receiving an Erasmus grant to cover your expenses. You may also get in touch with your IAESTE chapter for to get matched for internships. ( )
English: Independent User B2
Level of Studies: 
Short cycle or equivalent