Intern in Diving/Kayaking Center

Communication and Information Sciences, Languages and Philological Sciences, Natural Sciences
Los Cristianos
Costa Adeje
La Lajita
1 Jul, 2024 to 31 Oct, 2024
31 May, 2024

General information

4 months

We are a group of companies dedicated to water sports in Canary Islands. We are located in Tenerife and Fuerteventura and arrange scuba diving, snorkeling, kayak tours and SUPs. We have offices in different touristic areas and operate throughout the whole year. Our international team consists of scuba instructors, divemasters, kayak guides. We invite interns all year round for different durations. The interns have a great opportunity to interact with people coming from all over the world, improve their communication skills, improve their languages, and get some experience in managing and organizing diving/kayaking center work.

What are the tasks of an intern in Diving&Kayaking Atlantis?

You will assist all diving and kayaking programs led by our team. Before and after the tours, you will help in preparing and cleaning the shop, the classroom, the scuba gear; welcoming customers and assisting them with paperwork and eventual questions; and preparing the clients for diving and kayaking tours. In between the dives it is a good opportunity to share your experience with the customers.

You will also oversee the shop and post eventually the latest pictures or videos of the dives on social media.

Before the day’s over, you’ll help the team with rinsing the gear, filling the tanks and to be sure the shop is ready for the next day — before joining divers for the after-dive drink.


The interns normally work 5 days a week with flexible days off.

How to apply for the internship in Diving Atlantis?


You need to email a request for the internship with us: [email protected]. Please, indicate your name, where you study and which faculty, duration and desired dates of your internship. We will respond you shortly via email.

To apply to be an intern in our company, your studies must be connected with the activities that we do.

Here is an approximate list of the specialties that can be approved:

- languages

- sports

- marketing

- biology

- ecology

- sales

No financial compensation
Years of Experience required: 
English: Independent User B2
French: Independent User B2
German: Independent User B2
Level of Studies: 
Short cycle or equivalent