Research & Development Grants Assistant (Remote/Online or Istanbul, Turkey)

Business Studies and/or Management Science, Humanities, Social Sciences
1 Jul, 2024 to 30 Jun, 2025
1 Jul, 2024

General information

6 months

Work as a Assistant in the Research & Development department, researching and documenting public funding mechanisms. Your tasks will include, but not limited to the following:

  • Research available R&D project funding mechanisms and institutions
  • Identifying and initiate relationships with prospective industry partners to collaborate on potential projects, understanding their research interests
  • Identifying business growth opportunities for projects that are currently being developed
  • Identifying suitable funding opportunities and grants for potential projects, along with and application deadlines of calls for projects
  • Communicate with the R&D manager about the research and propose application plan
  • Develop a project plan for a potential project and carry out the application process

Requirements for application*:

  1. Cover Letter: Please detail how your previous experiences relate to the description of the internship.
  2. Written Description: Describe briefly what types of R&D project fundings there are in your country. Please provide an internet address (URL) for a project funding site which might be suited to the business of Parkyeri.

*Applicants without these two requirements will be rejected

Work will be tailored according to the capabilities and career growth potential of the candidate as well as company requirements.

Field of Study: Arts and Social Scienes, Management, Economics, Law, Engineering

Minimum 4 semesters of university level courses or equivalent other educational experience.

Please note: We offer several internships, but would like you to apply for only one position.

Financial compensation



Additional Information

Company provides a small supplementary compensation but assumes you will be receiving an Erasmus grant to cover your expenses. You may also get in touch with your IAESTE chapter for to get matched for internships. ( )
English: Independent User B2
Level of Studies: 
Short cycle or equivalent