Social media, Content Creation and Influencer Marketing internship

Art and Design, Business Studies and/or Management Science, Communication and Information Sciences
3 Jun, 2024 to 31 Aug, 2024
31 May, 2024

General information

3 months

Looking to explore a new place and grow professionally? Do Aurora Borealis and snowy winter sound interesting to you? What about an Erasmus internship in the capital of Northern Scandinavia? 

Criteria: EU Students enrolled in Bachelor's degree or Master's degree programs eligible for Erasmus internship

CubiCasa is a real estate technology, data, and marketing company specializing in digital indoor spaces. We provide high-quality property visualizations, such as floor plans and home reports for real estate agents, brokers, realtors, property managers, real estate developers, photographers, space planners, software developers & other professionals all around the world – the current count is 172 countries.

CubiCasa has offices in Finland (Helsinki and Oulu), US (Reno, Minneapolis) and Vietnam. Total employees count ~ 60

The internship can be tailored to personal interest & capabilities and could include development & support of the website design, SEO optimization, blog creation, training materials, social media management.

The duration of the internship is flexible (3 months minimum, longer periods preferred)

Your profile:

(Note that this is a long wishlist of qualifications: if you feel you have some but not all of these skills, but you are interested, please do apply anyway)


  • Fluent English writing skills combined with an eye for persuasive marketing texts
  • Writing, creating & publishing content for social media networks (TikTok and IG: high priority) 
  • Assistance in visual identity of a brand communication with potential costumers
  • Knowldege on digital marketing tools and skills to analyze data from Google Analytics, Google Search Console
  • Contribute to company and industry by writing blogs and conducting customer success story interviews
  • Provide accurate reports and analysis to company management to demonstrate effective return on investment (ROI)
  • Attain key performance indicators such as reducing the website bounce rate, increasing dwell time or improving conversion
  • Creating a solid marketing plan; marketing trends and stunts
  • Write text for email campaigns, PR pitches
  • Co-develop content-driven marketing programmes for leads, customers and partners/resellers to boost online digital sales objectives.
  • Organizes promotional video, launching party and other events
  • Identification of new channels or promotion mechanisms to spread the contents through SEO tools (search engine optimization).
  • Must be proficient in Google Suite

  • Curious, proactive and open-minded 

  • Must be able to maintain project confidentiality

We offer:

  • Great location to learn and build up experience from local start up community, infrastructure, and network
  • Great location for work/life balance. The office is situated in the center of the city (access to restaurants, places for entertainment, parks, seaside)
  • Professional and intercultural experience in innovation
  • Dynamic work environment 
  • Flexible hours/work time
  • Incorporate your ideas & creativity into real-life projects 
  • Your work will make a difference and will be recognized inside and outside the company
  • Friendly international team

Please note before applying to this internship:

  • An internship is an opportunity to experience and perform within a job role/function within an operating company 
  • The internship is unpaid and you will need to apply for an Erasmus grant/scholarship in order to participate 
  • You should be able to communicate in English, hence, you will be able to enhance your business fluency
  • We provide focus and enhance highly motivated individuals to a higher level of performance, we may provide more advanced preparation for higher roles profile
No financial compensation
Years of Experience required: 

Additional Information

Send your CV, and motivational cover letter to [email protected] and tell us why you would like to join our start-up :)
English: Independent User B2
Level of Studies: 