UI/UX Graphic Designer (Tech Startup)

Art and Design, Communication and Information Sciences
20 May, 2024 to 15 Nov, 2024
20 May, 2024

General information

6 months

*Note*: We can only accept interns with valid EU passports or EU residence permits due to recent visa application issues from non-EU countries (such as Turkey, Tunisia, etc). 


*Note*: We can only accept 3-6 month internships for this position. 



We are looking for a UI/UX graphic designer to create digital graphics and design user interfaces for our machine, website, and web application. The work will involve creating intuitive, visually appealing, and user-friendly interfaces that meet the needs of our end-users. Most importantly, we are looking for someone who is passionate about our product, our mission, and changing the world! 

Responsibilities and Duties:

  • Create digital graphics such as icons, illustrations, and other visual assets.
  • Design and develop wireframes, prototypes, and high-fidelity UI designs using Figma for our machine, website, and web applications.
  • Conduct user research, user testing, and analyze user feedback to improve the user experience.
  • Create and maintain design guidelines, best practices, and design systems to ensure consistency and efficiency across projects.
  • Keep up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in UI/UX design and integrate them into our design processes.


  • Experience in UI/UX design for machines, websites, and/or web applications.
  • Proficiency in design tools such as Figma, Canva, SketchApp, Photoshop, Illustrator, Inkscape, etc.
  • Excellent communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills.
  • Detail-oriented, responsible, ambitious, and motivated.
  • Capable of working and communicating in English.

Nice to Have:

  • Familiarity with video editing and animation software, such as Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro, or similar software.
  • Familiarity with front-end development technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


  • Unique internship experience in the heart of Krakow, Poland. 
  • Hands-on work developing an interesting and innovative product.
  • Work independently on a variety of tasks in a startup environment.


Interested candidates should send in their CV along with a cover letter explaining why they are excited about this internship opportunity.

Email info[at]metalmaker3d(dot)com with the title: "Applying for UI/UX Graphic Designer Internship at MetalMaker 3D".

Please attach the below clause to your application: "I hereby give consent for my personal data included in my application to be processed for the purposes of the recruitment process in MetalMaker 3D Sp. z. o. o. under the Personal Data Protection Act as of 29 August 1997, consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2016, item 922 as amended". 

We are happy to consider motivated students studying graphic design, UI/UX design, or other related fields. 

About MetalMaker 3D:

MetalMaker 3D is an advanced manufacturing tech startup with venture capital funding from Techstars and Stanley Black & Decker. We are developing a compact, affordable, and intuitive foundry system for making cast metal parts with the dimensional and material properties of industrial castings.

Our MetalMaker System will allow engineers, professionals, and small businesses to produce prototypes and production runs of cast metal parts. By integrating metal casting with 3D printing, we are able to provide an agile process workflow that will disrupt the metal casting and additive manufacturing industries. 

No financial compensation
Years of Experience required: 
English: Independent User B2
Level of Studies: 